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Sunday 5 July 2015

Meeting our bloggy friends! Part 2

Oh boy, this is fun- what an incredible weekend!!

So here we are with a pre-planned trip to Iowa City and then I hear that one of my christian mentors and adoption loving bloggy friend is also in Iowa City... of all places to be- sweet Linny herself was there!! As it was originally planned we would have just missed each other- bummer, I contemplated going earlier but logistically is just wasn't going to work out. Lots of moving parts with this family and we just could not get the new plan to fit (hubby had to work, we needed a doggy sitter, etc). 

Their son Isaiah had his surgery - it went well PTL! They were set to go home at noon- we would be arriving at 4:00. Our daughter Katie went over to meet them and wish Isaiah well. It was a fun meeting for her- she wasn't quite sure of what she was doing- after all she was sent to meet a bloggy friend that even I (her mom) had never met. She was a bit skeptical but the minute they saw each other they recognized each other from the blogs- instant friendship! Dw and Linn were so, so friendly- Katie was comfortable right away. She called me right after the meeting and said "Mom, they are so, so nice! " Dw was warm, funny and friendly! Linn was warm, chatty and fun to talk too. When she realized that this was the family that she almost went with on the mission trip,  she wishes now she would have gone!

When Wednesday morning arrived things had changed for our friends in Iowa City- Dw was feeling quite ill and was getting dehydrated. The rest of the story is their story so hop on over to their BLOG !  

Our family arrived in late Thursday afternoon. I had been in touch with Linn so it looked like we were going to meet. It certainly was not the best time for her - with Isaiah just 36 hours post op and Dw not feeling well and in the hospital. We stopped by where they were staying- I recognized her right away- this blog thing is wonderful! She looks just like her pictures!! She is adorable, warm, kind, chatty, genuine, I could go on and on!! Of course I was ready to hug those sweet kids of hers but they didn't really know who I was so I had to hold back.

Liberty and Sarah connected right away. I could tell Isaiah liked Sarah but he was a still bit uncomfortable with just having surgery, so he was a little shy.

We visited Dw- oh my- he was wonderful and here he is in the hospital and uncomfortable. He gave us the best 5-10 minutes he could muster up!! Way to go buddy and thank you!! He is as cool in person as he is on the blog!!

Those of us who weren't in the hospital had dinner together and visited. It was enjoyable to get to know this sweet, kind lady!

While we were there they got a diagnosis and it was truly a "thank you Jesus" diagnosis! Let me rephrase that- he will feel rotten for a long time but it is better than the alternative- Thank you Jesus, again! Driving down we really didn't know what was happening- I wanted to come and make it all better- maybe sport a pair of wings or a cape! But, that is not reality and I had nothing that I could personally do to make this wonderful guy miraculously better (except prayer, of course!). The good news is - God does!! It was pretty cool cause I think a ton of people were praying and little by little the possible diagnosis were getting better and better!

I was able to see Linn again the next day. It was wonderful- we had a great conversation and prayed together! God is so kind- it meant so much to just pray together!

My hubby is amazed at the people I have met through the blogs. He said "Now I know what you are doing when you are on the computer talking to bloggy friends- your just talking to nice people!" He is totally impressed with you all!!

There is a part 3 to this series so stay tuned!!