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Sunday 5 July 2015

4th of July Visitors!

We are so excited that Matt and Caitlin are here from Colorado to visit us!
We haven't seen them since Christmas time so this is such a treat!
The have just met Mia, Melissa and Madeline for the first time!
They are thinking their wedding may be in the summer of 2014 in Denver!

No matter how many of us there are we all manage to crowd into the porch!
The adult usually congregate in their and then the children "find us" and join us!

And then one of them always finds a big kids i-phone to play on!
I don't offer the electronics to the children unless it's an i-pad at the Dr office as we wait.

Caitlin is a preschool special ed teacher- the children absolutely LOVE her!

We had a wonderful breakfast together and spent time chatting and catching up!

The good thing is Caitlin loves playing with the children as much as they love playing with her!

So very thankful for each and everyone of these children-
 no matter how big or small they are!

Of course, I had to get pics of the in their 4th of July red, white and blues!

if you are a detail orientated person
please notice the even the eye patches continue the 4th of July theme!
although you can't see them, 
Emma's shorts are awesome!
They are denim with the flag spray painted on them!

We went to the pool with the children in the late afternoon!

In the evening we went to the club for a 4th of July dinner!
It was our first time doing this...
we just walked in and asked for a table for 13!?!
I guess this is there busiest night and we forgot to make reservations- oops!
The are always so nice to us and made room for our family!

Dinner was great and then...

we played BINGO!
The children had never done that!
We had a blast and...

$20 the first time and $120 the second time!
There were hundreds of people there so winning twice was BIG and FUN!

They also do a fireworks display after the bingo!
this was a first for us!

We used to go all the time with our other children.
A couple of the big kids(Sarah and Ellie) had gone to fireworks with our friends but this was a first for all of us together!

We shied away from it because of the mosquitos.
We have memories of being eaten alive outside waiting for the fireworks.
I guess we are a little outta touch because they spray now and it wasn't bad at all!
(Anna, our first home was overly sensitive to loud noises, so was Luke, so we just held off with that activity.)

It was so much fun for ALL of us!
Especially me ;-)
I love seeing the smiling faces and hearing the ouuuuu's and ahhhhhh's from the children!

Everyone stumbled into bed at 11:00!
A late night for all of us but so many memories were made!
Notice how Mia is cuddled up to her Daddy!

Praising GOD for all the FUN, SMILES and EXCITEMENT!
And for Matt and Caitlin visiting!
(After spending the morning and afternoon with us they went to see friends!)