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Saturday 4 July 2015

Dear Lord-

I humbly apologize to you. I am embarrassed for my thoughts and feelings and I ask for your forgiveness.
I pray to lose this sense of entitlement that I have acquired from my cushy life.
I pray to see the beauty in the differences and not be stressed by the differences.
I pray to love you with all my heart and to have an attitude of service to you.
I pray to for my heart to be like yours, for my eyes to see what you see, to marvel in the beauty of your children and to share your compassion.
I pray to be there for the children AND not to be concerned with my own needs.
I pray for the two little girls that will soon be getting on a train and heading to their new family and their new life.
I pray that you will comfort their fears, calm their anxieties and open their hearts.
I pray that we will be what you need us to be to serve and glorify you.
I pray for Sarah and Anna- that they will continue to do well and happily welcome their new siblings into their family.

(On a lighter note please pray that my gas goes away, my headaches dissipate and my cankers sores heal!)

Thank you friends for praying with me. I am already getting back on track and I know the Lord will be with us every step of the way! Your prayers are so appreciated!

Blessings from Nanning! Only 7 more hours!!