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Friday 3 July 2015

Day 2 in HK (in pictures)!

We ditched the guide and made our own plans today! We chose to go on one of the sightseeing trams and see the Big Buddha.
We have a couple of backseat drivers in this family! Many conversation have stemmed from the fact that we do not wear seat belts in China. I told them not to get used to it- once we are home the car seats and seat belts go back on! The driving is crazy in HK too. I'm often closing my eyes and praying!

The best part is we are having FUN together! Sarah commented "You guys sure laugh a lot!"

Anna's thinking this is looking a little scary!

I thought I'd post a couple pics of myself BEFORE we climbed up the mountain of steps. This is when the deodorant is still working and I was still smiling!

In 31 hours we will be the proud parents of two more daughters!! Every once in a while I like to sneak in a pic of the hubby and myself! You never know when you are going to need it... like in a dossier or something like that!

3 of our 5 daughters!

We had a glass bottom on our tram!

Our precious Anna! Later in the day we didn't think she was so precious, but in this pic she was!!

Sarah is loving Hong Kong! She is reuniting herself with the foods and thinking her country is very pretty!

Crazy Kate on the bottom of the tram!

Sarah holding the Buddha!

At this point she is still precious!!

Now we are feeling the heat and all the hair goes up!

Hubby was scolded big time for having Anna on his shoulders. A lady kept saying "too high, too high, get her down!"

Anna does not like the heat. She immediately wants to be carried and Daddy carries her best! Strongest arms and best view!

So Katie decided to give Daddy a break! Anna was not happy at all, she wanted her Daddy! This is about the time she was not seeming quite as precious!

So she gave him the business...
She had a thing or two to say to him...
She didn't hold back...
He took it like a man!

Daddy is up at the top with Anna on his shoulders- he was exhausted! It was hot and humid we were all drenched... I was going to do more complaining about the heat until I heard it was even hotter where we are going... Yikes!

Anna asked Daddy if he was tired? "Yes" he said and she replied... "I'm not tired!"
Excuse me... I wonder why?

We had a beautiful view!

I really can't believe how well she is doing! The heat gets to her but everything else she is taking in stride. Sarah has been a challenge and a joy as she adjusts to life with a family but we are continuously amazed at her progress! The transformation has been huge. If you are adopting older and feeling challenged, hang in there, give it time - it is an incredible journey and so worth it!

Katie has been a wonderful addition to our journey! She is a fun girl and we are completely enjoying her!!

Now she is hot and tired along with her Daddy! She wants ice cream! NOW! They had gelato a the bottom and we all enjoyed it!

This Anna at 6:30 at night. She was down for the count! We could not wake her, she slept until 3:45 am. Yes, you read it right! Everyone started to stir... I was afraid to move thinking how could the night be over at 3:45 am. Thankful she went back to sleep until 6:00 am. At which point she said "is it morning yet", three grown up voices answered back in unison "NO, go back to bed!" We got another 15 minutes out of it and then we were all awake!

I am sorry to say we were unable to get together with the special family we had hoped to see. They were arriving in HK at about 8:30 pm and we felt like it was just getting too late for the little ones (okay, for the old ones, too)! They were a 45 minute taxi ride away and we knew we would be a wreck by the time we got back to out hotel. I am hoping to meet them in person another time. Pam and I talked on the phone and it was like we have always known each other- the conversation flowed.

Someday I would like to have a adoption loving, Jesus loving, bloggy loving convention and get us ALL together! Wow, would that be fun! If anyone wants to plan it go ahead- I'll be there!!

In regards to all the typos in the last post- there gone! My journalism, education major daughter has corrected my paper and I am sure she will be doing it to this post, too!!