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Tuesday, 13 January 2015

In Need of Encouraging Words!

We do not have internet so I have not been able to be on the computer, visit any blogs, write a new post, email (except through my phone), check in with yahoo groups, research anything, etc. It has been a little frustrating and yet at the same time it has forced me to do something I have not done in quite awhile- read a book! I am really enjoying it! I kind of feel like this is a book I was supposed to read- a story I needed to know for future direction. God did not stop the internet here while we were on vacation BUT last minute we changed our dates and I do believe the timing was HIS. (The building we are in is changing internet providers so the old one shut off and the new one is getting started. It turns out the people we are renting from did not get the memo and who knows when our unit will get it??) 

We are having a great time and I think of a new post everyday but its driving me crazy that I can't write it/ them.

Today I am discouraged and could sure use some uplifting words. Life is great, everything is fine BUT Emma and Ellie's english is coming so so so slow. I feel like Ellie can do better. She has a bit of a lazy streak and is not naturally inquisitive or eager to learn. I think her ability is average to slightly below. Emma will see a specialist at the end of February- I am hoping for answers then.

I think they understand most of what I am saying. They do not misbehave except for a few stubborn moments. Their english is limited to single words. Ellie tries to rattle off a sentence and tell us things but most of it we cannot understand. Because of a few highlighted words she gets her point across. Emma has some words but she mostly parrots back what we say or what Ellie has said and then forgets it immediately.

Honestly, I feel like I just haven't done a good enough job... okay, okay, yes I am feeling sorry for myself, I should go eat worms. I know I have not read enough to them- I need to read read read, simple simple simple books. That is my new years resolution- everyday 5 simple books.

Today we asked the girls "What did you do today?" Ellie could tell Dad what we bought at the store- "towel, goggles, bag" and that we went "swimming". Emma could not answer us. We helped her- and broke down the sentences but she forgets the moment she hears it. I just need answers- I need to know if this is good for her or if I am totally missing the boat. I need my expectations to meet their abilities. 

We took a short walk and tried some new words- ocean, shell, beach, palm tree. Then I asked what color is the grass- my heart sunk- it's blue. Yes, I do find some humor in it  and so does the hubby. He made some witty remark. But oh my we have been working on the colors for 4 plus months. Lord have mercy!!

So now friends- please shower me with your encouraging words!!

We are all happy, we are doing really good in almost every way! The trust is building! Attachment- it is moving in a good direction but it is something we will continue to work on. So I am doing okay but just momentarily dragging...

Hubby tells me that one of my strengths is when I need something I come right out and ask for it. So I'm asking you for some nice encouraging words (I know I'm kinda pathetic- but it works for me). Next post will be a happy happy happy one! BTW a few prayers for the girls and their English would be welcomed!!

They loved having their big brother in the pool! As you can see they are all over him! This is why when we are home we have a big kids only downstairs. They love their little sisters but sometimes they need a moment to themselves! 

We love sunsets! The girls are not as impressed with them as we are but they are always up for a walk by the beach!

It was incredibly windy on the beach!

The big kids went home on Sunday. It was so much fun having them here with us for a little while! Billy's girlfriend Kelly is on the far left.

Thank you!!