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Friday, 6 November 2015

Thankful Thursday!!

I am a bit of a follower but when you follow good people doing good things it's okay!! I am not sure if there are any rules to this but here goes!

1. I am thankful for a supportive loving husband that thinks his wife's out of the ordinary ideas are good ideas hence adopting at this time of our life!

2. I am thankful for slippers- I love my slippers and I have many of them- cheap and colorful!

3. I am thankful for my dryer that has this setting called wrinkle release! I never iron unless it is a wedding or a funeral.

4. I am thankful for golden retrievers and their delightful and pleasant disposition. Just feed them and occasionally pet them and they love you forever! If you let them in the kitchen they will even clean your floor!

5. I am so so thankful for adoption! For refilling a once quiet home with joy, laughter and children!

6. I am thankful for blogging and journals! I have met so many incredibly wonderful and interesting people from all over the world! It has been so much fun!

7. I'm on my knees in thankfulness to Jesus for the opportunity to adopt Ming Ming  and for our adoption of Anna. Wow, wow, thank you Jesus. Truly this would not be possible without you!

8. I am so thankful for our birth children- whom I puked my guts out for (bad morning sickness). With the first one I said- okay one child , 4 golden retrievers, with the second child I said okay 2 children , 3 golden retrievers and so on... I was persistent back then, too! You guys are the greatest!! 

So, I am not sure how many we are supposed to do... I could go on BUT we have more Thursdays coming up so I will stop here! If there are rules, please let me know!
Here is a pic of our darling daughter Ming Ming!
Yippee Jesus!! Linn, you didn't copyright this phrase, did you? I may need to borrow it now and then! I'm feeling it!