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Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Happy 9th Birthday Melissa!

Our sweet 9 yr olds!
They get along so well!
It was truly a God ordained that these two would someday be sisters!

Melissa chose dinner out...
I'm not a very good cook
so a homemade meal is not top on her list...

I'm not complaining and I don't feel a bit bad!
I'm won't be throwing eggs into the air and starting large fires to entertain the children!
Heavenly days can you imagine the mess!

But we are glad they will do that here!

Melissa defines easy!
She gets a long with everyone and she is a peaceful, quiet girl.
She is a thinker and doesn't ask for much.

Melissa and Ava have so much fun together!
They tease and giggle together.
I put them next to each other in the car and they chatter away!
Ben is with them, too!
And his English has improved by leaps and bounds!
(hmm, I think I am going to be putting our challenged speakers with these two, very soon!)
(Yes, we have assigned seats in the van!)

Melissa gets along with all of the children.
In fact, when she first came home and had a few scuffles with Madeline and Mia, it was very upsetting to her.
Each time, she was the one that cried.

Billy and Johnny joined us!
Who can turn down a great meal AND a cute little sister's birthday!

The littles love it when we compare their personalities to the big kids.
We say Melissa is like Billy!
He is quiet, a thinker, loves to read, smart, organized, sensible, self sufficient and Melissa is a lot like that!
They loves the stories we tell and they want to know all about the big kids when they they were younger!
FYI- we are still offering cash to any of our children that can go without a fender bender during the first year they get their license.
So far, NONE of the first five could do it!

My babies... freezing outside while Momma takes a pic!
They know my priorities!

The next day- a school day, was her birthday!

YEP! It was HER birthday!

And there is NOTHING like opening presents when you didn't get to celebrate your birthday for the first 7 years of your life...

And you know how the children want to get closer and closer and closer to the birthday child...
Soooo, I held Joey captive!

She loved her new outfits!

And she loved the suspense of opening gifts!

She doesn't ask for much... in fact it was hard for her to even think of things for her birthday.

So her Mommy broke all the rules and guidelines and bought her precious daughter...

make up!

We are completely into growing up slowly.
The natural look and
you are beautiful just as you are...
I knew she would share.
I knew, if I said this was for home and not for when we leave the house, she would listen.
Sooooo, sweet girl-
have FUN!

Happy Birthday Melissa!
Plus an added photo bomb with Luke!
Who is having the next birthday!

We love you so much and are so blessed to have you in our family!

HaPpY BiRtHdAy!

Yes, that we be make up that she is wearing ; - )

Time to make your wish!

I'm pretty sure she is wishing for world peace...

Okay, I'm just kidding!

Thanks for helping out, Ava!

And once again we have had 
successful birthday!
