As we grow in numbers I find we have to do things differently.
Everyone brings their own (shared)laundry basket in to the laundry room, we all fold together and they each return their own clothes to their closet.
The girls often empty the dishwasher.
When mealtime comes we all pitch in to set the table and get the milks poured. We go through a gallon of milk every day (sometimes it takes us two days).
After eating the kids all put their dishes in the dishwasher.
When unloading the groceries everyone is expected to chip in! proof that many hands make light work!
Picking up the house is a family event.
The children make their beds every morning! They did a better job in China than I have done- the older boys still can hardly make their bed and well Katie? You'll have to ask her! Usually, what we say about Katie is- how can such a cute girl come out of a room lookin like that?
When we get into the car I feel a bit like I'm herding everyone toward the door. The big kids move to the beat of a different drummer at which point Mom throws up her hands and says- we'll meet you there! Which is just fine since we can't all fit into one vehicle anyway!
Hanging out together is always fun and entertaining. One by one they join us in the porch! We love it! the big kids filter in if they are home!
Everyone enjoys a moment to talk about themselves- what they are doing and their latest thoughts. If its not their turn they may find something else to do until it is!
The big kids will look at a pic that I have up and comment- so ahhh is this my new brother or sister??
And now for your viewing pleasure her are pics from the zoo!
Don't worry children everything is fine! Just smile for Momma!!
Does anyone know of a yahoo group for large families?
I could use a few more tips and some support!