For those of you that have not heard- this dear boy has had a heart transplant.
He arrested 5 hours after surgery and was put on ECMO.
Here is an update from his Momma Monday morning.
Joshua wanted to give you all a quick update. His heart is PUMPING. Dr. Fynn-Thompson said, "It is the best possible outcome." While he is still in critical condition and on life support for one more day, we are solidly on the path of recovery with his new heart.
We will post details tonight as to what the short term looks like. Plans and timelines change constantly here in the CICU.
Thank you for your prayers. We do not know where this journey is taking us but we are willing to follow, giving God all the GLORY!!!!
We will post details tonight as to what the short term looks like. Plans and timelines change constantly here in the CICU.
Thank you for your prayers. We do not know where this journey is taking us but we are willing to follow, giving God all the GLORY!!!!
And this is another update from this evening.
Please pray for this dear child and for his family!
Prayers is powerful and our Lord hears the petitions of many!
He is being weaned off ecmo right now friends...
Please join me in prayer!
About this time last Monday, we were getting in a car to drive to Boston for one of the most important days in Joshua's life. Seven days later, the king has spoken and told us he wants to live!
Joshua will be weaned from his heart life support - ecmo - through the night beginning at midnight. He is already keeping his RT and Nurse quite busy with levels and bleeding and all sorts of fun stuff.
Around 8:00am, they will "clamp" off the machine and let Joshua's heart take over for several hours. If he passes that test, they will remove the ecmo from his body and he will be on his way!
While this is the biggest hurdle, there are many to come during an intense and most likely long recovery. We know Joshua is strong and mighty and ready for the challenge. We cannot say enough about the all the doctors, nurses, and staff here at Boston Children's Hospital. They are truly outstanding and amazingly family centered.
1) For a peaceful and uneventful night of rest for Joshua.
2) That his heart tolerates the wean and decides/remembers how much it likes to work.
3) For Joshua's heart to conquer the world tomorrow and honor his donor family!
4) That those who have chosen to fast and sacrifice for our dear boy are drawn closer to the Lord in their own walk.
Great things we ask.
God is able.
I believe.
Here is an update from this morning!
Big morning for Joshua. They have technically taken him off the heart machine and his new heart is chugging along nicely so far. They are bustling around getting him ready for his third bedside surgical procedure to take away the ecmo tubes. We are celebrating but a little anxious. The nurse and I agreed that today is a "do-over." Joshua is starting from a better place and as long as things remain stable, we can begin the process of healing. They are watching a bunch of other things and we do have a long way to go but moving forward at a steady rate.
Giving God the glory. Thank you for your prayers.
Last update-
Praying, praying, praying!
Giving God the glory. Thank you for your prayers.
Last update-
Praying, praying, praying!
Monday morning in Boston bedside in CICU with Joshua after a quiet and stable night.
At 10:15am EST, Joshua will undergo a surgical procedure in his room by Dr. Fynn-Thompson. Then over the next 24-48 hours, his new heart will begin to be challenged and asked to do some work. They have let it rest as long as they could. Still not a whole lot of recovery signs yet so there is some anxiety.
If his heart does not show improvement, there is a Plan B provided Joshua remains stable and relatively healthy in all the other parts of his body.
At 10:15am EST, Joshua will undergo a surgical procedure in his room by Dr. Fynn-Thompson. Then over the next 24-48 hours, his new heart will begin to be challenged and asked to do some work. They have let it rest as long as they could. Still not a whole lot of recovery signs yet so there is some anxiety.
If his heart does not show improvement, there is a Plan B provided Joshua remains stable and relatively healthy in all the other parts of his body.
My son had a heart transplant. I can still hardly believe it.
Today the heart machine was removed about the same time the new heart began beating exactly one week ago. Joshua has aced everything they asked of him. The surgeon was very pleased and the doctors are using words like "terrific" and " very good" when they look at his numbers. Our nurse is vigilantly tweaking his meds and temperature to find the best place for him to begin his healing journey.
Today the heart machine was removed about the same time the new heart began beating exactly one week ago. Joshua has aced everything they asked of him. The surgeon was very pleased and the doctors are using words like "terrific" and " very good" when they look at his numbers. Our nurse is vigilantly tweaking his meds and temperature to find the best place for him to begin his healing journey.
Can we say hallelujah?
You bet.
Only God could have ever written this story.
Thank you, faithful people.
Thank you.
Keep Praying! HE hears YOU!
Update for Wednesday Morning 12/11

You bet.
Only God could have ever written this story.
Thank you, faithful people.
Thank you.
Keep Praying! HE hears YOU!
Update for Wednesday Morning 12/11
Froggy is on foot duty. Oh friends! Joshua has made it 24 hours without any major blips. We are breathing just a tad bit deeper this morning. They are chasing a few tails like bleeding, fluid levels, and learning what makes our boy most comfortable.
The big news is that our surgeon is planning on closing Joshua's chest today. We are so ready for the zipper. With that comes signing yet another consent with all the associated risks. This will happen in the OR so Joshua will leave this room for the first time in ten days.
The big news is that our surgeon is planning on closing Joshua's chest today. We are so ready for the zipper. With that comes signing yet another consent with all the associated risks. This will happen in the OR so Joshua will leave this room for the first time in ten days.
Some other procedures are planned for the end of the week and barring any complications, we may see those beautiful brown eyes early next week. Two weeks is a long time without our king of spunk ordering us around. We miss him.
Please pray for:
An uneventful chest closure and a stable heart. Also, Joshua has been crying a little and they are going to try and make him as comfortable as possible.
Be blessed. Today is what you have.
An update for this evening!
Praising GOD!
Joshua rocked his chest closure today. His numbers are stable. The doctors continue to use words like "terrific" and "fantastic" and "superb."
I am realizing how the victories are as important to these doctors and nurses as they are to us. Living in the CICU is super intense where life and death are but moments apart and the people who work here choose to live this day in and day out. The people who commit to caring for our kids will always be the superheroes in my book.
Please pray for:
An uneventful chest closure and a stable heart. Also, Joshua has been crying a little and they are going to try and make him as comfortable as possible.
Be blessed. Today is what you have.
An update for this evening!
Praising GOD!
Joshua rocked his chest closure today. His numbers are stable. The doctors continue to use words like "terrific" and "fantastic" and "superb."
I am realizing how the victories are as important to these doctors and nurses as they are to us. Living in the CICU is super intense where life and death are but moments apart and the people who work here choose to live this day in and day out. The people who commit to caring for our kids will always be the superheroes in my book.
Tomorrow and Friday will bring surgical procedures for Joshua and then we can think about getting his breathing tube out and really waking him up.
I cannot wait to tell him he has a new heart.
Today was a good day. We pray that we can continue on this road to recovery.
We are specifically praying for:
1) That cloudy part in Joshua's lung to clear up. He only had half a lung under his very enlarged heart and it needs to get up to speed.
2) That Joshua stays comfortable and will not get stressed out over the next few days.
3) That his heart continues to find its beat and settles down to do the work it was given to do.
4) For the family who gave us this gift of life. After hovering for a week between life and death, I cannot imagine. I cannot.
5) For Bob and I as we allow ourselves to look ahead and figure out how to balance home and hospital life over the coming weeks. (We will definitely be here through the end of December or longer).
Thank you seems inadequate.
From our hearts to yours, good night from BCH.
I cannot wait to tell him he has a new heart.
Today was a good day. We pray that we can continue on this road to recovery.
We are specifically praying for:
1) That cloudy part in Joshua's lung to clear up. He only had half a lung under his very enlarged heart and it needs to get up to speed.
2) That Joshua stays comfortable and will not get stressed out over the next few days.
3) That his heart continues to find its beat and settles down to do the work it was given to do.
4) For the family who gave us this gift of life. After hovering for a week between life and death, I cannot imagine. I cannot.
5) For Bob and I as we allow ourselves to look ahead and figure out how to balance home and hospital life over the coming weeks. (We will definitely be here through the end of December or longer).
Thank you seems inadequate.
From our hearts to yours, good night from BCH.