In a day of fasting and prayer for Luke from MSP and for your needs. We are planning it for Tuesday, April 20th!
Luke is scheduled to have heart surgery on Wednesday, April 21st in Israel. Israel is 8 hours ahead of us- our prayers will prepare the surgeons and this precious child for this surgery! It has taken a long time and many tests for them to finally figure out what to do to be able to help this little guy. Please join us for a day or fasting and prayer for him, for the surgeons and for your desired prayers!
I have always been a bit fearful of fasting. I am afraid to fail. What if I mess up and eat? What if I get so hungry and weak I have to eat? Do not be afraid- guess what if you make a mistake, God will forgive you . He knows your heart, he knows your efforts and he knows we are not perfect. Your efforts will speak volumes to him and maybe this experience will help you for the next time you fast. If you really want the Lord to hear your/our prayers then fast like Jesus did (no, not 40 days) just one meal, two meals, three meals or for the day. Just do what you can do and pray fervently! He will hear us dear friends and he will move mountains!!
Last time I did this I was blown away with God's answers to our groups prayers. I am excited to see him work in Luke's life and in yours.
Please e-mail me if you would like to participate at- jmulva3@aol.com. Let me know what prayers you would like to include. I will send the list of prayers to all of you!!
Thank you!!
If you are unable to fast please set aside some time on this day to pray for Luke! God will hear our prayers!