Tired of fiddling with packaging? Want to help the environment? Shopping the package-free aisles can
also save you time and money, but only if you know where to find them!

The app is available in the iTunes App Store and Android Market and its features include:
- Search, add and rate bulk locations (US and Canada), including selection available and whether or not reusable containers are permitted
- Locate businesses closest to you or a specific address
- Narrow your search by bulk type (are you looking to refill on body care, dog food, wine?)
- Build a bulk-shopping kit through Zero Waste Home's store
- Consult a bulk food guide to learn how to prepare bulk food items
- Read Community Updates from ZeroWasteHome.com

- Download the app
- Add your locations
- Rate existing locations
- Report an issue if you find a problem with a location ("Report Issue" at the bottom of the location page)
- Rate the app...positively of course;) so that others will be inspired to add and rate locations!