I am sad to say there are no Happy Birthday party pictures for my sweet boy. He is away at college and we miss him so much. In the past I have been the worst Mom at sending gifts- so my dear son Mark let me know that and it still took 3 weeks for me to get the package off to him. SINCE it was so close to his birthday it became a birthday package! He was not disappointed!! He got gift cards to al the nutritious places around the campus- any place that had something that resembled food and was better than the campus food, a t-shirt, flip flops, his favorite TV series on DVD's and another funny set of DVD's - which I will not disclose the name of because I do not approve of it... even though I did buy it for him. Also included was candy and gum! The dentist must love me now!
He will be coming home for a short visit in a couple weeks (mother's day weekend)! We are all looking forward to giving him a big huge hug!!
Mark has a heart of gold. He s a wonderful son, brother and friend. He adores his two little sister and he will be working for me again this summer as our ... Manny ;-).
Okay, the real reason is jobs are scarce, he gets home too late to even get one and I can use a little help over the summer. That works for me! (No Montessori and no other babysitters)
Today the girls were singing nursery rhymes and I just want you to know that Mary now has a little man... Yep, no lamb, it's a man.
And the other big news is the weekdays have been shortened from 5 to 2! The girls were singing the days of the week song and all I heard was Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday! I have no idea what happened to Wednesday, Thursday and Friday BUT they're gone! So enjoy!