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Thursday, 23 July 2015

Thankful Thursday- July 23th, 2009!

Today we ran into the family (at a soccer tournament) that got us going on the adoption trail! Their older children are the same age as our older children and they went to the same high school together. I remember when they brought home their first daughter- I was amazed at the thought of adopting and loved the idea of continuing to parent a younger child! They had 1 bio daughter and 5 bio sons. They adopted a second little girl about 1-2 yrs later. Their daughters are now 10 and 11 - they are from the Ukraine and Columbia! I had Sarah with me so I was so happy to introduce her to this mom! I let her know that she planted the seed and that we were in the process for # 3 and #4 from China. She said that is how it happened for them too- another family planted the seed and it caught on! Thank you Jesus!! I can only hope that it will catch on to more families!

Today in the mail I received developed pics of Emma and Ellie! (I had them developed) I am so excited to have them! Thank you Jesus!

The rough draft of our Homestudy is ready. We will review it this weekend and then send it back on Monday! Soon we will get going on our CIS stuff! Yippee Jesus!

This is a biggy- Anna has now gone potty on the big girl potty over the last 3 days- only about 5 times but this means we are on our way! Yippee Jesus!! It is interesting that she does not want to go on the little potty chair- only the big girl potty with an adjustable seat will do for this princess!!

I am really thankful for how well Sarah s doing with school! We had a rough period there for a short while but she is back at it and really progressing! It's slow but it continues to go in the right direction!

I am so very thankful for our church! It is so enjoyable to go and get refueled for the week with God's word!

I am thankful for this summer and how well it has gone! Things just seem to fall into place- we have done a bit of re-evaluating and readjusting of the schedule but it is working. Everyone seems to have a pretty good balance, we are accomplishing some things we needed to get done.

I am thankful for relatively free weekends! We always have something going on but it is not like earlier years where we where constantly going in different directions. It really has been wonderful!

When we have all our girls home I told hubby maybe we can put them all on the same soccer team!! They are kind of close in age!! He looked at me with a little smirk- "Honey, that would be a really bad team ;-)" Oh well- but wouldn't they all be so cute out there!!