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Saturday, 9 May 2015

Mother's Day!

It is such a blessing to be a mother! For me it is a dream come true! Sometimes I just can't believe it! Nine wonderful children and hopefully more to come! Plus very special significant others- which I would love to have as part of the family!! (hint, hint)

In church last weekend the priest asked how many of you fulfilled your childhood dreams of what you wanted to be when you grew up. I sheepishly raise my hand- being a mom was it then and still is now- a dream come true!

I always played family when I was little and now my reality is family!

We went to church Saturday eve. We have a little issue with Anna. She is pretty certain the moment we sit down in the pew it's her que to fall asleep on Dad's shoulder. It's like clockwork and she has been enjoying her 5:00 naps regularly on Saturdays!

We had a wonderful day today! In the morning hubby and I took an hour drive to Johnny's soccer game. We stopped at the coffee shop , had our lawn chairs and blankets ready to go but it stayed sunny and turned out to be a beautiful morning! Johnny's team is the white team and today the played the blue team- by the color names you can kind of guess which one is supposed to be the better team. In order to be the better team you need to earn the title instead of just naming yourself as better. Today was the apple cart was upset and the white team- Johnny's team won! It was quite fun! They were so happy!

If things keep going well for his team it may throw another little glitch into our China travel plans. That's life in a big family- we just have to do what we can do! It is important to us to support all our kids as best as we can. God has a plan, he knows how it will all fall into place (I just kinda wish he'd let us in on it ASAP!)

We had lots of great food today- so much so I should be fasting tomorrow BUT I think the dear Lord would just be shaking his head over that one!

Our Mark is still at college- I think he may be missing his family a little and we are missing him. He will come home next weekend for a short visit. I am so excited to see him!

Thank you Jesus for dreams that come true!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you Moms!