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Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Hanging Out With The Family!

On weekends in the evening we hang out in the porch. One by one the children come and congregate. It is so nice that they seek us out to visit, to process the week, tell share and to ask for our opinion.

Anna is dong a dance in the middle of the room while we are visiting! Yes, she is our daily cup of cuteness!

Mark is such a good sport! Sarah fixed his hair!

Mark and Billy are enjoying the latest version of a back massage!

Sarah decided to join them! Good job, Anna!

You gals are wonderful! Thanks for making me feel so much better- it's nice to know I'm not the only one missing the invitations.

This last weekend our son Mark came home just to see the family. He had been away at school for quite a while and needed to reconnect. It warms a Momma's heart when her children want to come home and see us and the sibs!!

Once he got back to school he checked out my blog and then text me. Here is what he said-

Hey Mom, Just read ur newest post. I know u know this but I fully support and agree that we made the right choice as a family to adopt! Family is one of the few things that is concrete throughout life. Friends come and go but we will always need family. Thank the Lord for blessing me with such an amazing and big family! I love you!

Now isn't that sweet (and FYI he was the one I was momentarily irritated with- but we won't tell him that).

I know how I feel about adoption. It is a blessing to me to serve the Lord this way but the other night hubby was talking from his heart and oh my, I was all ears. To hear my ever loving husband speak for the orphans was like music to my ears. He basically said what all of you have been saying for a long time but to hear it from him- was oh, so good!

He just doesn't understand why most christian families don't reach out to at least one orphan. We sat there and did the math- there wouldn't be an orphan problem if they did. The children would all have homes. He then said it's about trusting God and reaching out of your comfort zone. It's about having faith in him to try something that feels a little scary BUT is so good and so blessed by God.

Now my hubby talks sport, he talks job market, he talks college courses, he can actually talk about anything with anyone but he doesn't often talk about God, about God's desires for us, about the needs of the orphans (that's usually more me)- so to have this conversation with him and have it come from him and from his heart was an answer to prayer!