In these pics they look like scared little girls. Such serious looks for such young children. I think Emma was the caretaker for Ellie.

These are pics that were taken for our update. Such beautiful little girls but most likely wondering what is going on? Why are they doing this?

There were little movie clips and the foster mom would say "tell your new Momma and Babba to hurry and come and get you", " tell them you are being good little girls". I think it upset them. Emma looks teary. I want to hug and comfort them.
I have looked at their pictures so much- I know them, I know who they are, they are "our daughters". Their faces are so familiar to us. Before we accepted the referral we got more information on them. They had a tough start and were in shock to find themselves in an orphanage. The information helped but that was not how we made our decision- it was through much prayer and then we looked at them and new... we new they were our daughters. It didn't really matter what the new info said, their faces had become so familiar.
Things that I noticed before I do not notice now- they are so beautiful and so perfect. What an incredible gift from God! I can hardly wait to be in China and meet them!
Today I sent them a little gift through one of the services. I am excited for them to get it!! I have their next gift all ready except we need to label some of the photos! We wouldn't want them thinking I'm their grandma now would we! I'm puttin a big fat MAMA sign next to me and a BABBA sign next to that gorgeous gray, excuse me silver haired Hubby of mine!
Right before we come we will send a cake so they can have a party with their friends! Do you think we should send two cakes or one? They have watched so many children come home. A lot of the pics we have of them are at other children's parties. Soon it will be time for them to have their party!
I don't want to wish time away- I just want them HOME! (Does anyone out there object to skipping April and May this year?)