This pic has nothing to do with the post! I love this sign and take a picture of it every time we eat at this restaurant!
Except the pic is a little different now- we have 4 treasures in it!! Can't wait for next year!
Okay- my friend Sally said very simply-
So I will. No we are not doing anything- we can't yet. We have to wait until the time is right.
Lately I have been thinking about limb differences or missing hand or foot. Our friend Anita is sharing her Journey to Kaleb and that little guy has my heart wrapped around his finger.
And our friend Karin has shared her daughter Zoey's journey. Zoey had her foot amputated and is now sporting a very nice prothesis!
Both of their stories have spoken to my heart.
I know there are many more in fact if you know of one please send me to that blog!
I have always looked at anything regarding the limbs as a major disability. Let's face it we need our hands and feet.
But these children cope, they improvise and the do so well. They make it work. I think they are incredible and I am finding myself intrigued and wondering more about this disability- which I now look at it like an ability!
I have to be honest- it is one that I have actually been a little afraid of - it looks different, people might stare or look at my child(it could hurt my child and upset both of us). Because of God's desire for our family(it's large) - well, we get stared at a lot. A caucasian couple - with 4 to 6 to 8 asian children- we are going to get stared at no matter what- better get used to it!!. At that point they won't be staring at our son's hand- they'll be thinking lots of things but his hand or her foot won't matter. Plus IF you choose to dress them a like which we often have, it's like we are immediately calling attention to ourselves anyways!
It just doesn't feel so scary- it feels doable.
The other two disabilities/ abilities that I have thought about is congenital heart defect - it is amazing what these surgeons can do! It's like giving a child back his life!
Thalasemia is another one. I am not sure that I completely understand it but from what I have read it is doable. Sometimes downright easy and other times it requires monthly DR. visits for blood transfusions- I can do that!
Have you found God working in your heart regarding adopting a child with special needs? Has He opened options to you that were previously closed?
I think He is so amazing!!