As we talk about future adoptions she is beginning to open her heart to more children in our house. It is important to us that our children know how much we love them, how thankful we are for them in our family and that their will be others that we open our hearts too. At first Sarah was "What? How many kids?"- there is no magical number for us, we will just wait and see where God guides us. It is a very interesting journey and one that we find we will need to trust in our Lord with all our hearts.
Tonight Sarah said "Wow, I am so glad you got me second!"
a feeling of thankfulness- great!
happy to be here- super!
I like my family- excellent!
I think I can open my heart to more sibs- incredible!
Okay, okay, yes she is competitive and we all know that second is better that third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth (I have no idea how to spell 8th), ninth, tenth, (do you want me to go on?)
Thank you Jesus!